Meet with us to plan your fully customized home. We work to provide competitive pricing to ensure that your home build stays within budget. These are the steps in our building process:
Step 1
Selecting a Blueprint and Suitable Building Lot
Buyers may view Corkrean Construction Base plans or bring us a house plan they have selected to fit their needs. Corkrean Construction has access to single family and townhome building lots. We can also assist clients in finding a suitable lot that they would like to build upon. We will work through our process to make sure you have the best home when we hand over the keys.
Step 2
Modify Home Plan and Calculate Estimates on Supplies for Construction with Allowances
We will sit down with buyers, working room by room to expand, modify or move walls as needed to make the home work for their needs. Once the floor plan has been approved, we will figure the needed pricing on this specific plan. With fluctuations in materials, it may be necessary to have some items priced as ‘Allowances.’ These will be adjusted as items are selected and ordered. We will present this pricing to the buyer as a preliminary price for their home build. We will also work through the pick sheet laying out the items needing selections and when these items are to be finalized.
Step 3
Finalize Blueprint
If the buyer approves of the estimated pricing, the floor plan will be sent to the architect to be revised to its final floor plan for construction. Depending on the amount of changes to the floor plan, it can take around 4 weeks for the plan to be returned.
Step 4
Get Bids on Home and Buyers Total Pricing
Now that we have the Buyer approved finalized floor plan, we can now send off to our suppliers and sub-contractors for the actual pricing. Once pricing is received, we will present the total pricing to the buyers. Items may be removed from the pricing as necessary to achieve the desired pricing for each buyers’ needs, as long as the floor plan isn’t modified.
Step 5
Signing Construction Contracts
Once pricing, floor plan and all other items are approved, construction contract documents will be prepared. The construction contract is the agreement between the Buyer and Corkrean Construction laying out all of the fine details. A purchase agreement will also be used if the lot is owned by Corkrean Construction. These steps are important to ensure the buyers intent for purchase of the final constructed product.
Step 6
Start Construction of Home
With all items approved and signed, we will handle getting all the local municipal requirements met. From this point you will see your thoughts and ideas turn into a house you will love to call home. From excavation to paint and the final items, you can watch your vision appear before your eyes. We will continue to meet a handful of times during the build to make final selections on items for the home.